MiLuz ¿Pongo la lavadora?

by UPNA Developers

House & Home


💡 MiLuz is simple, accessible and practical.Check the price of the light! You can see the different sections of today. See prices for yesterday and tomorrow.All the data comes to us directly from the REE (Red Eléctrica de España). Data for Peninsula and Balearic and Canary Islands.Information available at a glance, minimum, maximum, average and current. In addition, an intuitive graphic, facilitating its understanding with colors.Above, we implement an algorithm that will calculate the best times to start your appliances, with just one click!Do I put the washing machine? It is a good time? Choose an appliance, like the washing machine, oven, dishwasher or dryer; and its duration; see what time is the best, how much are you going to save and give yourself a notification if you wish.════════════════════════════════════════════════👤 ABOUT USWe are a development team made up of final year students of the degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering from the Public University of Navarra. The members are:ANDUEZA RODRIGO, PatxiDZHEMALOVA MEHMEDOVA, TyurkiyanMC CONAGHY OLLOQUI, Javier EamonSÁNCHEZ SÁNCHEZ, Miguel ÁngelZANCAS ESQUISABEL, Alejandro J.📱 ABOUT THE APPFor the Telematics Engineering Projects subject, taught by Eduardo Magaña, we have created a mobile application focused on accessibility to help users visualize electricity prices and offer the tool to calculate the best savings hours.📰 IMPACT ON THE MEDIAThe application has appeared in more than ten media outlets, including Antena 3, COPE, SER, EITB and different newspapers.